MacSysAdmin 2021 Session Roundup
Hey everyone! We hope you’ve all had a fabulous week.
In case you missed it, this week the fabulous MacSysAdmin conference—typically hosted in-person in Gothenburg, Sweden—took place online with recorded video sessions. Three of the podcast team members contributed sessions to this year’s conference and we wanted to share those with you here.

Tuesday’s session included Charles’ heart-felt and inspirational talk “Celebrating You, Macsysadmin.”

Thursday’s sessions included “Inclusive Design for Mac Admins” by Emily.

Friday’s session included Tom’s talk titled “User Trust & IT Codes of Ethics.”
In case you missed it, you can check out our Fall Conference Preview episode below:
Many thanks to Patrik and all of the conference sponsors for making this year’s conference possible. We hope to see you all in person in Gothenburg next year!