Episode 346: Dan K. Snelson
Dan Snelson has been in the Apple admin community for a long time and builds lots of great tools to help others. Join us this week to celebrate and learn […]
Episode 345: Scott Reed & Joel Rennich on JumpCloud Go
Authentication is a big challenge for any organization – how do you decide who gets into what resource, with what security mechanism, and from what device?
Episode 344: Kevin M. White on Apple Docs Updates
The Apple Platform Deployment Guide is one of the most impressive and important documents that Apple updates about device management with Apple Devices. This week, we’ll be talking about all […]
Episode 343: Damian Cavanagh on Shortcuts for Admin Tasks
Shortcuts aren’t just a little Applescript goodness that can be used to make droplets. Although you could do that. Shortcuts can be used to perform fairly complex atomic operations. In […]
Episode 342: Oleg Stukalenko on Moonlock
After thwarting Russian attackers since well before the invasion, the team at MacPaw in Ukraine has a keen eye on emerging security threats. Today’s episode is about their new cybersecurity […]
Episode 341: Jason Dettbarn
Fall is that time of the year when we can take stock of the latest Apple releases, measure them against what our expectations were, and see how much tech debt […]
Episode 340: Ashok Amirthalingam on the Mac, Digital Transformation, and Cloud Holdouts
“Digital transformation” can mean a lot of things to different people. In this episode we unpack it, look at how it helps drive Apple adoption, and maybe get productive (which […]
Episode 339: Just Us – Getting from A to B
We have had so many wonderful guests on the Mac Admins Podcast, telling us about things they have created, workflows they have implemented or products they have integrated in their […]
Episode 338: Ben Greisler on Zen and the Art of Motorcycle (and Mac) Maintenance
Troubleshooting computers is an art that has evolved significantly over the decades. In today’s episode we’ll talk about ways it resembles and differs from other forms of troubleshooting, and cover […]
Episode 337: Gene Reich tells all about JNUC
Gene Reich from Point joins the pod this week to tell us all about the 2023 edition of the Jamf Nation User Conference in Austin!
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