Flashcast 13: 2023 in Review

A review of the year that was! 2023 was monumental in so many ways – a huge WWDC, great new hardware, a ton of new management concepts – and 2024 is full of promise. Tom, Charles, Marcus, and Emily take us through the highlights, and have a few predictions for what 2024 will bring.
- Tom Bridge, Director of Product Management, Devices, JumpCloud – @tbridge@theinternet.social
- Charles Edge, CTO, Bootstrappers.mn – @cedge318
- Marcus Ransom, Senior Sales Engineer, Jamf – @marcusransom
- Dr. Emily Kausalik-Whittle, Manager, Client Platform Engineering, Jamf – @emilyooo
- https://eclecticlight.co/2023/12/02/rip-rsr/
- https://www.sudoade.com/ddm-software-update-logs/
- https://www.macadmins.in/
- https://podcast.macadmins.org/2023/07/24/episode-325-karthikeyan-on-being-a-macadmin-in-india/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckfast_Tonic_Wine
- Joel’s Talk at MSA: https://docs.macsysadmin.se/2023/video_h265/Day2Session7.mp4

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