Episode 8: Adobe Installer Format Changes
MacAdmins.org Podcast, Episode 8: Adobe Installers
Your Hosts:
- Tom Bridge, Partner at Technolutionary LLC [@tbridge]
- Pepijn Bruienne, Pepijn Bruienne, R&D Engineer at Duo Security [@bruienne], Proprietor of EnterpriseMac.Bruienne.com
Our Guests:
- Tim Sutton, Systems Administrator, Concordia University and Author, aamporter [@tvsutton]
- Patrick Fergus, Mac Systems Administrator, Meredith Corporation, [@foigus]
Discussed Links:
Adobe has changed their installer format!
Karl Gibson (Product Manager, Creative Cloud for Enterprise team) spoke at PSUMAC this year on the subject.
Software vendors put more logic into their software delivery system especially with the trend towards subscription-based models, Tim predicts pain in managed IT environments if they can’t continue providing simpler deployment packages.
Adobe also updated applications in a strange manner, mixing some new major releases and some dot releases while making it hard to determine which is which.
Where we were: Adobe presentation describing RIBS
“Applications that can be deployed without their base versions” (list of new format packages)
(Tim wonders why almost none of these updated apps using the new installer format actually display that new package icon as listed in CCP)
HyperDrive CLI Uninstall documentation
Requires sapCode from the “Applications that can be deployed…”
Tim’s blog posts on deploying Creative Cloud licenses and installers using Munki from 2015:
Patrick’s PSU MacAdmins presentation slides (video to come):
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